
What Is Camphor? 7 Surprising Benefits & Uses of Camphor Oil

Camphor oil has long been used in herbalism and folk medicine.

Traditionally derived from the wood of camphor trees, camphor oil helps relieve pain and inflammation, skin irritation and itching, spots and blackheads, and respiratory congestion.

Camphor can also be burned to refresh your home and it’s great at keeping moths away too. 

8 Amazing Benefits & Uses of Tea Tree Oil: Melaleuca Oil

8 Most Amazing Uses and Benefits of Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil (Melaleuca Alternifolia) is a powerhouse! A natural remedy packed with antiseptic, antimicrobial, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

It's long been used to treat acne, dry skin and dandruff, but it has other benefits too. Tea tree oil benefits skin, hair and nails while being an effective household cleaner and natural sanitiser. 

Lemon Verbena Uses - 6 Reasons You'll Love It

Lemon Verbena Uses - 6 Reasons You'll Love It

Verbena possesses many powerful healing benefits for both internally and for your skin.

Whether you enjoy its light, refreshingly mild citrus scent, or its lemon-fresh flavour, or both, here are 6 of the many reasons we think will make you love lemon verbena.


Would You Use Snail Slime in Your Skincare Routine?

Would You Use Snail Slime in Your Skincare Routine?

We're all familiar with the slimy and shiny trail left behind from snails and slugs, which most of us try to avoid.

But would you put snail slime on your face or body?

Also referred to as snail filtrate or snail mucus, snail mucus is one of the best-kept beauty secrets out there.

7 Compelling Reasons Why You Should Use Argan Oil Soap

7 Compelling Reasons Why You Should Use Argan Oil Soap

There has been an increase in the interest of the various oils in recent times. However, Argan oil is not new, far from it! Argan oil has been around for centuries, yet it isn't hugely known.

This article is a brief introduction to this incredible natural ingredient and will show you 7 reasons why you should consider using it as an oil or in a bar of natural soap.

Palm Oil Is Better For The Environment Than Other Oils

Is Palm Oil Bad For The Environment?

I heard a smart and amusing saying years ago, which compares every situation to a slice of bread:

"No matter how thin you slice it, there are always two sides!"

My approach to writing this article is just that. I will try to address both the good and the bad, albeit simplified, and offer my personal opinion at the end. But is just my opinion :)