Lemon Verbena Uses - 6 Reasons You'll Love It

Lemon Verbena Uses - 6 Reasons You'll Love It



The lemon verbena plant (Aloysia citrodora) is a tropical flowering plant brought to Europe by the Spanish and Portuguese in the 17th Century. Initially cultivated for its oil, the leaves are now also used to cook, bake, or infuse, amongst other things.

Verbena possesses many powerful healing benefits for both internally and for your skin. Whether you enjoy its light, refreshingly mild citrus scent, or its lemon-fresh flavour, or both, here are 6 of the many reasons we think will make you love lemon verbena.



One of the most common lemon verbena uses is to brew a delicious lemony herbal tea from the dried leaves. While the flavour profile is a refreshing way to start any day, there is also a bonus to drinking verbena tea.

Drinking a few cups of this tea throughout the day will help to suppress your appetite between meals. At only 2 calories per serving, you won’t pile on the weight either. it will also help maintain your daily hydration and provide a multitude of intestinal benefits.



Even if appetite suppression is not your primary goal, lemon verbena tea (either hot or cold) will help soothe and ease digestion. It can help to eliminate cramping, bloating and to address indigestion. 

Use when feeling sick to address occasional indigestion or drink daily to combat ongoing digestive issues. 

A fast and easy way to cold brew is to place 6 tea bags in a pitcher of water and let infuse overnight. The next morning, simply remove the tea bags, stir, and enjoy.



Lemon verbena is packed full of the essential antioxidants. It helps your muscles, joints, tendons, and nerves, recover from physical activity, repetitive motion, arthritis, and general joint and muscle pain. 

This makes verbena a premium food and drink for athletes because its anti-inflammatory properties work internally and externally.

For external application, handmade lemon verbena soap is an easy way to enjoy the healing benefits of verbena. Also, consider mixing a couple of drops of lemon verbena essential oil into your body lotion or massage oil.

Lemon Verbena uses


Lemon verbena is a fragrant plant with a special singular scent. Whether enjoying the fragrance of your steaming verbena tea, lathering with your verbena beauty bar, or using verbena essential oil to infuse your home with a delightful lemon scent, you will enjoy the refreshing, yet calming, benefits of verbena. Use verbena for aromatherapy when feeling stressed, depressed, or low on energy.



When you eat or drink foods and beverages made with flavourful lemon verbena leaves, you will enjoy the immunity-boosting-benefits of this nutrient and antioxidant-rich herb. 

Herbal tea is fast and easy to make but look for creative, new ways to add more verbena to your diet. Its fresh lemon flavour is the perfect way to brighten any dish, and verbena goes well with both sweet and savoury dishes.

Nature has provided many robust plants and herbs designed to support our health and beauty from the inside out. Verbena is just one of the few vigorous plants you can use to promote your natural and healthy lifestyle. Use it as a daily or weekly go-to, or as needed to address your health and beauty needs.



All of our handmade and cruelty-free soaps are gentle enough to be used from head-to-toe. Our verbena blend is packed full of essential nutrients that help to nourish your skin and alleviate inflammation, including easing puffy morning eyes. 

Verbena French soap is excellent for removing your make-up at the end of each day or refreshing your face in the morning.

Looking for a bar of soap for busy hands? Lemon verbena hand soap is specifically made to clean those grubby hands. It is very efficient as it cleans and freshens hands without drying the skin.



Are you familiar with verbena uses? Maybe you already use the soaps or brew herbal tea? Are you a verbena plant virgin?

Please let us know your thoughts and comments below. It really helps us if you share this article with your friends and family too and to make it easy, we have lovely lemon-scented buttons below :)


Judy Lillywhite
09 August 2020  |  2:10

Hi Sophie
I have a lemon verbena plant growing (it's not yet a tree). In the summer when I have strawberries for dessert, I pick a small handful of leaves and make a simple syrup with them. Once the syrup has become flavoured with the verbena, I strain it into a jug and put into the refrigerator until ready to use. If the strawberries are big, halve them, and place all into a bowl. Pour over the verbena syrup for a refreshing dessert. Enjoy!

09 August 2020  |  13:47

Thanks, Judy, that's an excellent idea - now my mouth is watering :)